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    laura trego: was the absencesnapes portraitthe headst scene innocentdeliberate

    j.k. rowling:wa had effectivelyabandonedhis post before dying,he had not merited inclusionthese augusxs.com:however, i likethink that harry wouldinstrumentalensuring that snape’s portrait would appear theredue course.


    q:severus snape's portraitthe headmaster's office

    jkr: some have been asking why hasn't the portrait appeared  doesn't. the reasonthat the perceptionthe castle itself and everyone who wasthe castle, because snape kept his secretwell was that heabandonedhi all the portraits you seethe headdmasters and mistresses who died, it's like britis only get good pressyou die not acceptable, particularlyyou ughter] , becausxs.coh, becausewas very importantve insisted that snape's portrait wasthat wall, right beside duuse.]for whether harry wouldbacktalkhim, i think, i've done.


    found thisanother thread about ments jkr made the other daytoronto, andit does have somethingdo with snape's portrait.:) a girl who won tickets from raincxste thistheir blog about ohe questions:

    does albus severus potter ever have any contact with the portraitshis name sake

    the first thing she (jkr) said about txss.xsl name最后的猎魔人!” (and) she saidurden having that name and havingliveto thos she did sayyes, alwould definitely have talkedthe portraitsdumbledoxswould gettrouble and would havegothe headmaster’s office.


    从上面第一和二部分的罗琳的引言里看,罗琳在访谈中所用的词是“abandoned”(放弃)和 “abdication” (辞职)。所以当时对于霍格沃茨校长一职来说,斯内普并不属于逃跑,而是他自己为了在关键时刻不与霍格沃茨教师发生不必要冲突而放弃了这个职位(或者说相当于辞职了,见《哈利波特与死亡圣器》第三十章)。



    tobias snape,人民文学出版社译为“托比亚·斯内普”。一名麻瓜,从书中看来与西弗勒斯·斯内普长相相似。酗酒,脾气暴躁,有家庭暴力倾向。(参见《哈利·波特与凤凰社》)还有种说法为,当斯内普3岁时,他破产了(非原文)。


    eileen prince,人民文学出版社译为“艾琳·普林斯”。一名女巫,霍格沃茨魔法学校毕业,所属学院斯莱特林学院。普林斯家族纯血统后裔。在第六部首次登场,由赫敏提到。斯内普家族都是斯莱特林学院出身,(相信他口中提到的家族应该是他母亲的家族)由此可以得出斯内普的母亲是斯莱特林学院的学生!



    未婚,一直深爱莉莉·伊万斯(lily evans),即詹姆·波特之妻,哈利·波特之母。

